action !

…Allez, hop quelques photos in action! [D.]

2Pon + Der (sept 2009)

Dark (août 2007)

Yann (août 2007)

Alto (2004, à Bcn !)

Dran (2004)

Kat + Moun + Ceet (2004)

Reb Reb (août 2009)

3 réflexions au sujet de “action !”

  1. hi Ewos! Personally i don’t have lost of pics of what you want to see… (i have big paintings pics of the 90’s but not lots of flops & tags… and at this period, before numeric-photography, people aren’t a lot in taking pics of « simple » tags… because each pic has a co$t ! and personally, i was poor … and i’m still… ;( )
    but you can have a look on this site (stuff from early 2000’s and some 90’s stuff) :

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